Visual representation and state development in Egypt. Archéo-Nil 22
Pages : 40, n. 35 UnknownBrussels, Musées royaux d'Art et d'HistoireE.4992
Pages : 25–32, fig. 1a UnknownBrussels, Musées royaux d'Art et d'HistoireE.3002
Pages : 25–32, fig. 1b UnknownLondon, Petrie MuseumUC 15339
Pages : 25–32, figs 1c, 3 AbydosEgyptJE 99072
Pages : 25–32, fig. 1d AbydosCairo, National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation
Pages : 25–32, fig. 1e AbydosCairo, National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation
Pages : 25–32, fig. 2a AbydosOxford, Ashmolean Museum, University of OxfordAN 1892.1045
Pages : 25–32, fig. 2b UnknownMoscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine ArtI, 1a 4777
Pages : 25–32, fig. 4b AbydosChicago, Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Museum (ISAC)OIM E 8923
Pages : 58–9, fig. 27 UnknownTurin, Fondazione Museo delle EgizieS.01827