C-Ware – elliptical bowl C-0537
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown
Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Art, I, 1a 4777.
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Standing man, facing right, holding a bow in his left hand and the extremity of four leashes as well as two branches in his right hand. There is possibly an additional branch on his head. His penis sheath is indicated as well as his feet. Another branch or plant design is painted in front of him. each leach is connected to a dog, all facing toward the hunter. The loop of the collar is indicated. They all have slender bodies, backward pointing ears, and short upturned tails. Five downturned triangles, filled with crossed chevrons complete the decoration

Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 531
L'image et son cadre: réflexions sur la structure du champ figuratif en Égypte prédynastique. Archéo-Nil 3
, 16, fig. 9b.2012
Visual representation and state development in Egypt. Archéo-Nil 22
, 25–32, fig. 2b.1952
Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne I: 1; les époques de formation, la préhistoire. Paris
, 285, fig. 192.2015
De la figure anthropomorphe prédynastique à l’émergence de l’image de Pharaon: pour une approche transversale de l’imagerie pré- et protodynastique égyptienne (Nagada I-Nagada III, 3900-2700 av. J.-C.). Archéologie et Préhistoire. PHD thesis, University of Strasbourg. Strasbourg
, 1348, VC_IND_001.