C-Ware – bottle with long narrow neck C-0022
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb U-415.
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut excavation.Cairo, National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation (U-415/1).
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Complete, repaired
Decoration preservation : Very good
A series of upturned triangles runs around the upper part of the neck. Below, the decoration is clearly divided in two parts. The bottle’s neck bears a representation of seven human figures in three groups. One figure is different from the others: he is taller, holds a mace with a pear-shaped head, has longer hair, and has a tail attached to his hips. His penis sheath also varies from the others. Three hippopotami and a wild bull are represented in the lower part of the vessel. The hippopotami have their ears, protruding tusks, and short tails represented. Two of them are pregnant females, with the foetuses depicted inside their large bellies. All three hippopotami are harpooned, two in the mouth, one in the head, and are each linked to a human figure by a rope with coiled extremities. The men differ from each other, but two have a tail attached to their hips and one has a similar hair arrangement to the largest figure in the upper composition. The bull is represented to the right of the hippopotami, but it is not harpooned nor captured. It has two large crescent-shaped horns and a long tail.
Dimensions (cm)
Base diam. 7.4
Additional information
Vi 23
Oi 88
flat base
It is unclear if objects currently displayed at the National Museum of Egyptian Civlisation were given new inventory numbers.
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