C-Ware – bottle, broad neck C-0158
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown.
1909 : bought from Abd el Meggid, Luxor.Brussels, Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.3002.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Intact
Decoration preservation : Very good
Inside the lip is a series of small white-filled, downturned triangles. On the outside of the vessel, below the rim, are eight concentric lines, the lowermost with a fringe of dots on its underside. This fringe connects to an elongated oval element that is fringed on one side and filled with downturned chevrons; a rectangular element, terminating with three lines and dots, hangs from this fringed line. the rest of the decorative space is occupied by several human figures, presumably all male. Two are larger, with arms raised above their head and wearing a headdress made of branches. They are likely to represent power-holding men, or 'victors'. They are surrounded by smaller figures, likely captives: four of them, grouped in two pairs, are attached at the neck and held by one of the victors ; the other two smaller figures do not seem to be attached to the other large figure.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 41
convexe base
Inside and outside
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