C-Ware – bottle with long narrow neck C-0023
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb U-415.
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut excavation.Cairo, National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation (U-415/2).
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Almost complete
Decoration preservation : Partially faded
Preservation information :
A few sherds are missing.
Four hippopotami are depicted below the neck of the bottle, three following one another in a row, the fourth one below them. The ears and protruding incisors are shown, as well as a short tail. Their bodies are cross-hatched. On the same row as the fourth hippopotamus, an oryx follows a gazelle. The gazelle has S-shaped horns and a tiny tail. The oryx has long and slightly curved horns, and a longer tail ending with a tassel of hair. A dog chases the antelopes. It has a short tail and short ears. Below the animals, five human figures are depicted, two in bound pairs and one below, between the pairs. They have long hair and wear what might be a penis sheath.
Dimensions (cm)
Base diam.: 5
Additional information
Vi 21
Oi 100
convexe base
It is unclear if objects currently displayed at the National Museum of Egyptian Civlisation were given new inventory numbers.
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