Palette rhomboid, decorated PAL-0044

Palette – rhomboid, decorated PAL-0044

By Hendrickx, Stan


, Tomb B102.

1898–1899 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation. Ex von Bissing collection. Ex Lunsingh Scheurleer collection.

Brussels, Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.7062.

Date : Naqada IC–IIA

Dated after the context and the assemblage found in tomb B101.

Material : Greywacke

Preservation : Complete


The rhomboid palette is rounded at the ends of the shorter axis and has pointed extremities.



On the recto of the palette, the figure of an elephant, facing toward the nearest end of the palette, is carefully incised with a zigzag motif in front of it. The tusks of the animal are indicated by two small incised ticks that protrude from the trunk and the "butterfly" ears are oval shaped, one superimposed over the head, the other one above the animal. The lips and a short tail are also shown. The body of the elephant is decorated with crosshatched triangles, in a manner similar to C-ware decorative motifs. On the verso, at about the same place as the zigzag in front of the elephant, is a less carefully engraved harpoon.

Object use

The palette shows traces of use, in the form of a shallow depression in the centre of each side.

Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire : Online catalogue.
Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire : Online catalogue.

Dimensions (cm)

Width :


Length :


Thickness :


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Hendrickx, S. 2023. PAL-0044, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.