Arthur Cruttenden Mace ( 17.07.1874 - 06.04.1928 )
Arthur Cruttenden Mace was a British Egyptologist. He worked with William M. Flinders Petrie at several sites: Dendera in 1897–1898, Hu in 1898–1899, and Abydos in 1899–1901. He then collaborated with George A. Reisner and the California University excavations at Giza and Naga ed-Der from 1901 until 1906. That year, he began work for the Metropolitan Museum at Lisht, a site with which he would be strongly involved for a significant part of his career. In 1909, he was appointed assistant Curator in New York where he helped Albert M. Lythgoe in arranging the Egyptian Department of the Museum. In 1912–1914, he worked at the pyramid of Amenemhat and the tomb of Senebtisi at Lisht. He returned to the site after the First World War in 1920–1922. An Associate Curator in the Department of Egyptian Art at the Metropolitan Museum, he postponed plans for further excavation at Thebes and Lisht in order to assist Howard Carter in the task of clearing the tomb of Tutankhamun. In 1924, he had a breakdown in health and was unable to continue his Egyptological work.