C-Ware – shallow bowl C-0179
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb 26.
1910 : Harvard University—Boston Museum of Fine Arts expedition.Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, MFA 11.312 (M26/6).
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Complete, repaired
Decoration preservation : Very good
Preservation information :
Damaged in modern times.
A concentric motif consisting of five continuous, concentric zigzags runs around the upper part of the bowl. Below, three hippopotamusesare depicted, all facing left. Their heads, very schematic and angular, are surmounted by four small protuberances representing the ears and eyes; the nostrils and tusks are not shown. Their heads and bodies are partly filled with groups of parallel chevrons: on the muzzle, they point toward the body; on the belly two groups point toward one another. The bottom of the vessel is decorated with a tripple concentric motif of wavy lines.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 285
Oi 100
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