C-Ware – shallow bowl C-0020
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb U-264.
De Morgan excavation (most of the vessel). Deutsches Archäologisches Institut excavation (additional fragment).Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 2076 (JE 31064 ; 264/4).
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Complete
Decoration preservation : Good
Preservation information :
The fragment found by the DAI has not been fitted back in its original place. Chips missing at the rim.
This vessel displays one of the most complex and elaborate decoration of the C-ware class. A dog attacks the largest animal, possibly a donkey, biting its muzzle. A second dog (?) that looks backward is represented above the neck of the donkey. To the left, a hippopotamus is harpooned four times. Two of the weapons are thrown from hte large boat, although no human figures are visible on the deck. This boat has one large and two small cabins, seven blades, and an anchor that is visually similar to a tassel-like motif (Hartmann suggests that it might be a hanging fishing net). The two other harpoons are linked to small ovoid elements, which are tentatively understood as floaters, although one may be a small boat with a single oar at the aft. A few more animals are depicted near the rim: three fish and three birds, a snake, and a turtle. A scorpion occupies the centre of the vessel, with a crocodile next to it. The crocodile is seen in top view, with a crosshatched body, short straight legs, and a long tail. The final painted elements are more difficult to understand. Two of them might be animal skins with four vertical plants next to them. Further to the left is a large tassel-design composed of a 'hour-glass'-shaped upper part from which hang eight wavy lines; this element is understood as a powerfact representing the scalp of enemies.
On the outside, a man is seen behind a bull, possibly hunting it. This scene may have been repeated twice.
Dimensions (cm)
Base diam.: 8
Additional information
Vi 265
Oi 100
flat base
Inside and outside
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