Keimer, Louis

Louis  Keimer  ( 23.08.1892  -  16.08.1957 )

Louis Keimer (born Ludwig Joseph Gustav Keimer) was a German, later Czech and finally Egyptian, Egyptologist.

He first studied Egyptology in Berlin in 1913–1917 and later became interested in the flora and fauna, particularly that of the Pharaonic period. He went to work with Victor Loret in Lyon, France, before settling in Egypt in 1928. He was made Professor at the School for Dragomans and Guides, and also worked on the Catalogue Général of the Museum in 1932. He directed the historical section of the Fuad I Agricultural Museum in 1931–1936. He became Professor of Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Cairo in 1936; he was elected to the Institut d’Égypte in 1937,and served as its secretary-general and vice-president. He took the Czechoslovak nationality shortly before the Second Word War, was arrested as a German spy in 1940 upon his return to Egypt, and later released thanks to an intervention by Walter B. Emery. He became an Egyptian national in 1951. 


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