Model boat MOD-0033

Model – boat MOD-0033

By Vanhulle, Dorian


, Nekhen town, Temple, 'Main Deposit'.

1898–1899 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.

Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 14701.

Date : Naqada III

The characteristics of this boat model are specific to Naqada IIIB–C. Iconographic parallels dated from the reign of Iry-Hor to that of Narmer make it reasonable to attribute this model to Naqada IIIB–IIIC1. The stern of these boats is vertical, thick and sometimes triangular when show in cross-section, while their bow is either upright or simply sloping forward with or without a vertical return at the top.

This model comes from the 'Main Deposit' at Hierakonpolis, which notably contained Early Dynastic material such as the Narmer Palette, the Narmer Mace-head and the Scorpion Mace-head (Dynasties "0" and 1). The archaic levels in the Temple of Hierakonpolis are extremely difficult to date with precision since the deposits have been used during an extensive period of time and mix materials from different periods.


Material : Ivory (undefined) (Carved)

Preservation : Fragmentary

Preservation information :

The end of the bow is broken and lost. The top of the stern and of the deck structure are damaged. The model is encrusted with salt.


This boat model has a stern that stands vertically, while the bow rises forward. The bottom is flat, as is the case with almost all known boat models. This gives the model the necessary stability, but also reflects Egyptian shipbuilding techniques. Indeed, the real boats of the time were already wooden structures with a flat bottom and no keel. Although broken, the deck structure looks like a seat or a throne in which an important passenger could seat. Such seats are attested in Naqada III iconography and are associated with royal boats.



The gunwale is covered with vertical incisions which are probably emulating the ligatures used to tightened the different parts of real wooden structures at that time. One large perforation was made through the hull, underneath to the level of the backrest of the deck structure; another one is located right before the bow.

Quibell 1905: fig. 54.

Dimensions (cm)

Width :


Length :


Additional information


We thank Liam McNamara for facilitating the study of this artefact.

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Vanhulle, D. 2023. MOD-0033, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.

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