Model – boat, fragment MOD-0030
By Vanhulle, Dorian
, Nekhen town, Temple, Archaic area.
1898–1899 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.Collection unknown
Date : Naqada III
This model comes from the "archaic sector" of the temple at Hierakonpolis. These archaic levels are extremely difficult to date with precision since the deposits have been used during an extensive period of time and mix materials from different periods. It is possible that the object was deposited there slightly after the Early Dynastic period, as suggested by Dreyer (1986: 80), although its typology fits with what was produced at that time.
Material : Clay
Preservation : Fragmentary
Preservation information :
This object is lost.
Fragment of one end of a boat model. The small protrusions located all along the extension of the prow, on each side, can tentatively be compared with the "nods" located at the same place on the highly detailed model MOD-0026.