Model – boat MOD-0031
By Vanhulle, Dorian
, Nekhen news, Temple, 'Main Deposit'.
1898–1899 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, AN 1896–1908 E.119.
Date : Naqada III
This model comes from the 'Main Deposit' at Hierakonpolis, which notably contained Early Dynastic material such as the Narmer Palette, the Narmer Mace-head and the Scorpion Mace-head (Dynasties "0" and 1). The archaic levels in the Temple of Hierakonpolis are extremely difficult to date with precision since the deposits have been used during an extensive period of time and mix materials from different periods.
Material : Serpentine (Carved)
Preservation : Almost complete
Preservation information :
One extremity lost its tip and the other has been mended. The extremities of the "snakes" decorations are broken.
This naviform serpentine dish has two sinuous protrusions on the underside, at the level of the waterline. They have been interpreted as snakes, although it is difficult to be affirmative. They might also represent water.
The surface is stained with black dots. The sides are sculpted with longitudinal ribls, apparently so as to render wooden planks.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
We thank Liam McNamara for facilitating the study of this artefact.
Hierakonpolis II. Egyptian Research Account Memoir 5. London
, p. 31.