Fake – C-ware, bowl FAK-0011
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown.
02–04.1911 : Bought in Luxor by Wilhelm Speigelberg from Mansur Abd al-Sayyid Mansoor.Strasbourg, Collections de l'Institut d'Egyptologie de l'Université, IES-NI-6047 (IES-Spiegelberg-1877).
Material : Nile silt (painted)
Preservation : Complete
Decoration preservation : Very good
Preservation information :
There is a long crack.
The vessel is most likely an genuine antiquity, probably predynastic in date and belonging the Petrie's P-ware class. The white pigment is unusual, bright white in places, grey or brown, darkened in others.
Four crocodiles are depicted vertically, with their heads pointing toward the centre of the vessel. They are seen in top view, their bodies are crosshatched,
and their tails curl back on the rim. Their four legs are flexed and end in toed claws. The crocodiles are separated from each other by two to four downturned triangles filled with chevrons. Two additional chevron designs pointing toward each other are placed between each crocodile, nearer the bottom of the bowl.
The bottom of the bowl is decorated with a concentric series of small fish, with at least one larger fish placed in the centre. All the fish have their body crosshatched.
On the outside, eleven groups of three vertical wavy lines each hang from the rim.

Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 183
Oi 100
flat base
Inside and outside