C-Ware – bottle C-0436
By Droux, Xavier
, Archaeological context unknown. 1894–1895 : William M.F. Petrie excavation.London, Petrie Museum, UC 15338.
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
The decoration consists of several different animals. One long-necked animal, probably a giraffe, occupies most of the height of the vessel. Its neck is exaggeratedly wide at the base, it has two horns depicted on its head, and a square design below at the chin. A small animal is depicted above its back. It could have forward pointing horns, but this painted line could simply be part of the head; no species identification can be proposed. To the left, another long-necked animal might be a second giraffe, with a more correctly proportioned neck; details of the head are not preserved. Further left, a Barbary sheep follows an ibex. The ibex has characteristic long backward curving horns. The Barbary sheep has divergent crescent-shaped horns, and chest mane indicated by small strokes on the front. The bodies of the animals are filled in with oblique undulating lines. All the animals face right and none have their tail shown. The two giraffes are separated by two groups of parallel undulating lines. In the upper part of the vessel, small curved lines complete the decoration
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 53
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