Naqa ed-Deir
The Hearst Egyptian Expedition of the University of California, led by George A. Reisner, worked at Naga ed-Deir between February 1901 and August 1904. The Harvard University – Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition returned to the site in 1912–13 and 1923, also under Reisner's direction. The Hearst Expedition numbered cemeteries 100 to 3500 around the three wadis at the southern end of the site, and cemeteries 9000-10,000 which were located farther north. The Harvard – MFA Expedition identified three cemeteries in the area of Sheikh Farag (designated SF 200, SF 500 and SF 5000).
The predynastic cemetery of Naqa ed-Deir was numbered N7000 by the excavators; work took place under the general direction of George A. Reisner, but Albert M. Lythgoe was in charge of the excavation of this cemetery. This cemetery was in use from Naqada I to Naqada IID, with minor activity in Naqada III. Several cemeteries were then used during the early dynstic period (N500–N900, N1500, N3000 and N3500). There was one predynastic tomb (4373) in cemetery N3500, about 1.5 km to the west of cemetery N7000.
The area of cemetery N7000 has been built over in the first quarter of the 21st century. Areas to the west seem less impacted.
Archaeological activity :
1901–1904: Hearst Egyptian Expedition, University of California;
1912–13, 1923: Harvard University – Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition.