Palette rhomboid, with horns emblem PAL-0264

Palette – rhomboid, with horns emblem PAL-0264

By Hendrickx, Stan


, Tomb 35.

1907 : Brooklyn Museum excavation.

New York, Brooklyn Museum, 07.447.600.

Date : Naqada I–II

Information about Tomb 35 does not allow precise dating (cf. Needler 1984: 91). Dated after the general range of rhomboid palettes production.

Material : Greywacke

Preservation : Complete


Rhomboid palette with a horns emblem ending in bird heads at one of the extremities. The palette has angular projections at the ends of the shorter axis and has a rounded extremity.

Object use

The palette was probably lightly used but the available documentation is inconclusive.

Brooklyn Museum (ed.) : Online catalogue.
Needler 1984: 99, fig. 13.62.
© Stan Hendrickx.

Dimensions (cm)

Width :


Length :


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Hendrickx, S. 2023. PAL-0264, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 21 September 2024.