Palette – rhomboid, miniature PAL-0157
By Hendrickx, Stan
, Tomb b62.
1900–1901 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, AN 1896-1908 E.929.
Date : Naqada IID
Tomb b62 was dated to before SD 56 (Randall-McIver & Mace 1902: 20) and to Naqada IID (Hendrickx 1989: II, 293).
Material : Greywacke
Preservation : Complete
Rhomboid palette (or rather amulet) attributed by Payne (1993: 228, no. 1878) to type 92R (Petrie 1920: pl. XLIV.92R). This type is angular at the ends of the shorter axis and has rounded extremities. There is a perforation near one of the extremities and a small hole, perhaps intended for an inlay, near a side angle. Because of its small size, it can be suggested that this artefact is a miniature model of an average-size palette, perhaps used as a pendant or amulette.
Object use
The palette has been used, causing on both faces slight hollowing in the central area.

Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
El Amrah and Abydos, 1899–1901. Egypt Exploration Fund, special extra publication, 23. London
, 21–22, 37, pl. VIII.1.