Palette rhomboid, decorated PAL-0056

Palette – rhomboid, decorated PAL-0056

By Hendrickx, Stan

Abydos (?)

, Archaeological context unknown. 1908 : Gift of Robert Ayrton.

Brussels, Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.2878.

Date : Naqada I–II (?)

General range of rhomboid palettes production.

Material : Greywacke

Preservation : Complete

Preservation information :

Small flake on surface.


The rhomboid palette is angular at the ends of the shorter axis and has pointed extremities.



The palette is decorated on one side. The decoration consists of two parallel curved lines worked in low relief, most probably the representation of animal horns.

Object use

The decorated side of the palette shows traces of grinding in its centre, resulting in a shallow concavity.

© Courtesy of the Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Brussels.
© Courtesy of the Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Brussels.

Dimensions (cm)

Width :


Length :


Additional information


The letters E.R.A. are written in pencil on one side of the palette, which suggests that the provenance of this object is Abydos, where Edward R. Ayrton joined Petrie's excavation sponsored by the Egyptian Research Account in 1902–1904.

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Hendrickx, S. 2023. PAL-0056, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.