C-Ware – squat beaker C-0170
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb H97.
1909 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.London, British Museum, EA 49025.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Almost complete
Decoration preservation : Partially faded
Preservation information :
Repaired from several sherds, one of which is missing in the lower part of the beaker. No decoration was present on that missing sherd.
The inside of the vessel shows two hippopotami, facing each other and separated by a crosshatched triangle. Their ears and incisors are shown. Their bodies are filled with chevrons and lines. On the opposite side, two crocodiles are represented vertically in top view, head to tail. Their legs are flexed and end with toed claws. Small dots on the tails indicate the scales of the hide. Their bodies are filled with lines and triangles. Inbetween these two pairs of animals are a plant motif on one side and a group of three horizontal wavy lines on the other side.
On the outside, two elephants face each other. Their trunks are curled and their tusks clearly indicated, as well as their long tails ending in a tassel of hair. It is striking that the massive ears of the elephants are not strongly indicated: they appear only as two relatively small rounded outlines on top of the heads. Their bodies are filled with dots. Separated from the elephants by a diamond-shaped element are two right-facing bulls with long crescent-shaped horns. Their bodies are filled with undulating lines and their tail is indicated.
Dimensions (cm)
Base diameter: 7.7
Additional information
Vi 110
Oi 100
flat base
Inside and outside
Missing sherd is not painted.
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