C-Ware – bowl, shallow C-0165
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb H15.
1909 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41219.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Almost complete
Decoration preservation : Very good
Preservation information :
Chip at rim.
Two hippopotami are represented head to tail. Their heads bear details of the eyes, nostrils and incisors, but the ears are apparently not depicted. Their heads and bodies are partly filled in with parallel strokes and hatched and crosshatched triangles. A zigzag design of four parallel lines is placed between the animals on one side of the vessel. A similar design is placed above the head of one hippopotamus. Two plants, probably the common reed, and four large downturned crosshatched triangles are depicted around the animals. The rim is decorated with groups of horizontal chevrons, and the bottom of the vessel with a zigzag design of uncertain meaning.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 300
Oi 100
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, 39–40, fig. 2, no. 055.