C-Ware – deep bowl C-0148
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb U229.
1898 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, AN 1896-1908 E.2781.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Complete
Two large, downturned, crosshatched triangles hand from the rim on opposite sides of the vessel. The tip of each triangle is connected to the a apex of a crosshatched chevron band painted below, with a gap left between the two. In the space between these motifs are, one side, a vertical, narrow, crosshatched band and, on the opposite side, a downturned, crosshatched triangle with one side extending past its tip.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 189
Oi 100
flat base
Diospolis Parva: the cemeteries of Abadiyeh and Hu. Egypt Exploration Fund Memoir 20. London
, pl. XIV, 43b.1921
Corpus of prehistoric pottery and palettes. British School of Archaeology in Egypt & Egyptian Research Account 32, 23rd year, 1917. London
, pl. XXII, 33H.1952
Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne I: 1; les époques de formation, la préhistoire. Paris
, 265, fig. 169, 33H.