Ancient Egyptian vessels in the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow. Moscow
Catalogue of the monuments of Ancient Egypt: from the museums of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Bielorusia, Caucasus, Middle Asia and the Baltic states. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica 17. Fribourg & Göttingen
ΕΓИΠΕΤϹΚΟΕ ИϹΚУϹϹΤΒΟ Β ΓΟϹУДΑΡϹΤΒΕΗΗΟΜ МУЗΕΕ ИЗОБΡΑЗИΤЕЛЬΗЬІΧ ИϹКУϹϹΤΒ ИМΕΗИ Α. Ϲ. ΠУШΚИΗΑ ["The Egyptian antiquities in the Museum of Fine Arts A. S. Pushkine."]. Izobrazitelnoïé Iskusstvo. Moscow