Ludwig Borchardt ( 05.10.1863 - 12.08.1938 )
German Egyptologist and architect, Ludwig Borchardt studied Egyptology under Erman and he assisted in the Egyptian section of the Berlin Museum (1887–1888). He was later sent by his government to Egypt as a member of the international Philae project (1895). Two years later, her received PhD honoris causa. He was also in charge of de Morgan’s ambitious project to catalogue the standing monuments of Egypt by the Egyptian Antiquities Service (1896–1899) and worked closely with Gaston Maspero on the creation of the Catalogue Général of the Cairo Museum. Borchardt founded and directed the Kaiserlich Deutsches Institut für Ägyptische Altertumskunde in Kairo after his retirement (1907–1929, now the DAI, Abteilung Kairo). He further founded his own institute (now the Swiss Institute, Cairo).