HierakonpolisCemetery HK6, tomb 31Egypt
HierakonpolisCemetery HK6, Tomb 49 (Sq. G11, loc. 1)Egypt
HierakonpolisCemetery HK6, Tomb 31Egypt
HierakonpolisCemetery HK6, Tomb 48 area (Square G13, locus 133)Egypt
Making a list, checking it twice: body count at HK27C. Nekhen News 27
Double delight: another dwarf from HK6. Nekhen News 24
A tattooed trio at HK27C. Nekhen News 26
Two new tombs at HK6: the hippo hunters of Hierakonpolis. Nekhen News 21
Further adventures at HK6: the 2010 season. Nekhen News 22
The 2014 season of the Hierakonpolis Expedition. Unpublished report for the MSA
The elite predynastic cemetery at Hierakonpolis HK6: 2016–2018 progress report, in: Tristan, Yann; Villaeys, Julie; Ryan, Ellen M. (eds), Egypt at its Origins 7: proceedings of the seventh International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Paris, 19th–23rd September 2022. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 323. Leuven