Tusk – on hippopotamus back TUK-0001
By Kim, Hwidahm
, Tomb H45.
1909 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, AN1909.1090.
Date : Date provided by Droux 2015
Material : Ivory (undefined) (Carved)
Preservation : Almost complete
Preservation information :
The rim of the tusk is damaged and concaved about 1.7 cm, although it is unclear if it was intentionally carved in or it sunk naturally due to the pulp cavity of the tusk.
A carved hippopotamus figurine, most likely made of hippopotamus ivory, is carrying rest of the conical tusk on its back. Series of holes are visible around the rim. The cut or the break is deeper in the center. For the hippopotamus figurine, all four feet are intact to support the tusk as well as its nostrils, eyes, ears, and tail.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
It was found in pair with TUK-0003. The ivory is probably hippopotamus ivory.
Pre-dynastic cemetery at El Mahasna. Egypt Exploration Fund 31. London
, 12, 27-28, pl. XIII, 2.1989
Das Nilpferd in der Vorstellungswelt der alten Ägypter. Teil I, Katalog. Europäische Hochschulschriften VIII, 22. Frankfurt am Main
, doc. 33a.1993
Catalogue of the predynastic Egyptian collection in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford
, Cat. 1972.2011
Twinned hippopotamus figurines of the Predynastic period, in: Friedman, Renée; Fiske, Peter N. (eds), Egypt at its origins 3: proceedings of the Third International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July – 1st August 2008. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 205. Leuven
, 352-353 table 1.