
Palette – rhomboid PAL-0368
By Hendrickx, Stan
, Cemetery 100, tomb 119.
1922–1925 : British School of Archaeology in Egypt excavation.Collection unknown
Date : late Naqada I – early Naqada II (?)
Dated after the context and the objects from tomb 119 (Hendrickx 1989 vol. II: 220).
Material : Greywacke
Preservation : Complete
Rhomboid palette attributed by Brunton & Caton-Thompson (1928: pl. XXX) to type 91R. This type of palette is rounded at the ends of the shorter axis and has rounded extremities.
Object use
There is no information about the use of this palette.

According to the distribution list, the palette should be in Aberdeen (Brunton & Caton-Thompson 1928: 117)..