Palette rhomboid PAL-0356

Palette – rhomboid PAL-0356

By Hendrickx, Stan


, Tomb 1822.

1894–1895 : William M.F. Petrie excavation.

London, Petrie Museum, UC 4737.

Date : late Naqada I – early Naqada II

Dated after the context and the objects from tomb 1822 (Hendrickx 1989 vol. II: 369).

Material : Greywacke

Preservation : Fragment


Fragment of a rhomboid palette with an oblique end, resembling a handle.

Object use

There is no information about the use of this palette.

Petrie Museum (ed.) : Online catalogue.
Petrie 1921: pl. LVIII.90P.

Dimensions (cm)

Length :


Additional information

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Hendrickx, S. 2023. PAL-0356, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.