Palette – rhomboid, decorated PAL-0305
By Hendrickx, Stan
Archaeological site unknown.
Before 1897 : Confiscated from individuals supposeldy coming from Naqada (Quibell 1905: 227)..Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14187 (JE 31871).
Date : Naqada I–II (?)
General range of rhomboid palettes production.
Material : Greywacke
Preservation : Fragmentary
Preservation information :
One extremisty broken off.
Fragmentary rhomboid palette, rounded at the ends of the shorter axis; its preserved extremity is pointed.
The incised representation a crocodile, seen in top view, occupies most of the length of the palette. The extremity of its long snout is not preserved. Its four legs are indicated and its body is filled in with crosshatching. A series of dashes on the edge of the tail indicates the scales of the hide. Several irregular motives are incised on both sides along the crocodile.
The reverse of the palette was also decorated, possibly with a triangular sign.
Object use
The palette was used on both sides, causing the incised lines of the decoration to be nearly erased near the centre of the palette. There is also picking on both sides.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Although the palette may have been plundered in the region of Naqada, it is impossible to determine which cemetery of even locality it came from; an attribution to Naqada would be too specific.
Recherches sur les origines de l'Egypte II: éthnographie préhistorique et tombeau royal de Négadah. Paris
, 144, fig. 509.1905
Primitive art in Egypt; translated from the revised and augmented original edition. London
, 91, fig. 509.1905
Archaic objects. Catalogue Général des Antiquités Egyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Cairo
, 227, CG 14187.