Palette rhomboid PAL-0103

Palette – rhomboid PAL-0103

By Hendrickx, Stan


, Tomb 1673.

1924 : British School of Archaeology in Egypt excavation.

Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48281.

Date : Naqada IID

Tomb 1664 was dated to SD 55–57 (Brunton & Caton-Thompson 1928: pl. XXXI) and to Naqada IID (Hendrickx 1989: II, 213).

Material : Greywacke

Preservation : Complete


The rhomboid palette is rounded at the ends of the shorter axis and has rounded extremities.


Object use

The palette has slight hollowing in the central area of at least one face.

© Stan Hendrickx.
Brunton & Caton-Thompson 1928: pl. LII.9.


The provenance is confirmed by the distribution list (Brunton & Caton-Thompson 1928: 117).

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Hendrickx, S. 2023. PAL-0103, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.