Palette – rhomboid, irregular PAL-0102
By Hendrickx, Stan
, Tomb 1664.
1924 : British School of Archeology in Egypt excavation.London, Petrie Museum, UC 4768.
Date : Naqada IC
Tomb 1664 was dated to SD 35–43 (Brunton & Caton-Thompson 1928: pl. XXXI) and to Naqada IC (Hendrickx 1989: II, 213).
Material : Greywacke
Preservation : Complete
The rhomboid palette has angular projections at the ends of the shorter axis. One extremity is pointed and the other has an oblique end, resembling a handle.
Object use
The palette was probably used but the available documentation is inconclusive.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Elise J. Baumgartel (1970: pl. LIII) mistakenly attributed this palette to tomb 1664 at Naqada instead of Badari; this error was not amended by Joan C. Payne (1987). However, no palette was found in that tomb at Naqada according to the excavation manuscript notebook (Petrie (and colleagues) 1894–1895, Unpublished manuscript excavation Notebook [no. 139: Naqada Great Cemetery (tombs N1660–N1699, N1730–N1759, N1780–N1787], p. 5), while a palette of type 90N is listed in the Badari tomb register by Brunton & Caton-Thompson (1928: pl. XXXI) for tomb 1646.