Fake – boat model FAK-0016
By Vanhulle, Dorian
Archaeological site unknown
Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, MME 1986:002.
Date : 19th–20th century AD
Material : Clay, Plant fibre (Composite; painted)
Preservation : Almost complete
Preservation information :
Minor damages.
Boat model with a cabin made of organic fibres located at the stern and held in place by three perforations in each side of the hull. A bovid head is sculpted under the prow, in the extension of the waterline. Its horns or ears curve backwards.
The model is whitewhashed and painted in a greyish colour, which is not consistent with Predynastic productions. Three female figures reminiscent of Naqada II human depictions on D-Ware ceramics are painted along the inside of the hull.
Egyptian watercraft models from the Predynastic to Third Intermediate Periods. BAR International Series 2263. Oxford
, 425, no. B.26.2018
Faux et usage de faux: discussion autour d'un modèle de bateau des Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles, in: Doyen, Florence, Preys, René; Quertinmont, Arnaud (eds), Sur le chemin du Mouseion d'Alexandrie: études offertes à Marie-Cécile Bruwier. Montpellier
, 304–305, 315, n. 19, tab. 1.