C-Ware – bowl C-0627
By Droux, Xavier
, Cemetery HK6.
Hierakonpolis Expedition excavation.Egypt (09-1363; 09-1008; find 77/2, 77/4).
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production.
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Fragmentary
Decoration preservation : Good
Preservation information :
Only the lower part of the vessel is preserved. Five mended sherds.
The outside surface is not slipped, but polished.
The bottom of the bowl is decorated with a double concentric line, inside which are two triangles facing one another filled with chevrons. Five upturned triangles filled with chevrons rise from the outer concentric line. At the tip, each triangle is connected to the tip of a downturned triangle filled with chevrons.
Dimensions (cm)
Other dimensions :
Base diameter: 6.8
Fragment dimensions :
H preserved: 5.8
Additional information
Form :
Shape of base:
flat base
Decoration location :
More fragments have been put together since Adams' publication.
We thank Renée Friedman for facilitating the study of this artefact.