C-Ware – beaker C-0540
Archaeological site unknown
Collection unknownMaterial : Nile silt (Painted)
In the upper part of the outside decoration of the beaker, four horned quadrupeds facing right follow each other. They have long, rather straight, horns, which point upward and frontward. The ears and/or eyes are represented on either sides of the base of the horns. The silhouettes are heavily stylised, rendering the identification of the species uncertain, and the animals are depicted as if running. Their bodies are filled with cross-hatching and parallel lines. The animals stand on a base line, below which a series of downturned cross-hatched triangles is painted. A concentric line is painted further down. The inside of the vessel is decorated with groups of three parallel lines going down from the rim.

Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 126
Le taureau à l’époque prédynastique et son importance pour le développement de l’iconographie royale – avec un excursus sur l’origine du sceptre héqa, in: Aufrère, Sydney (ed.), Les taureaux de l’Égypte ancienne. Publication éditée à l’occasion de la 14e Rencontre d’égyptologie de Nîmes. Égyptonimes 2
, 39, n. 24.