C-Ware – bottle C-0465
Archaeological site unknown
Collection unknownMaterial : Nile silt (Painted)
Three plants consisting of vertical stems and oblique strokes on both sides are painted next to each other on one side; one is smaller that the others. On the other side, five heavily stylised animals are represented one above the other; they all face right, but and have their bodies filled with parallel strokes, but they are difficult to identify. The lowest animal has a very short tail and short ears, as well as they eye indicated. Between its muzzle and the plant to the left is a design made of two concentric circles (the smallest one filled in) and a few lines extending below them. The same motif is repeated twice, on either side of the second large plant stem. Behind this first animal is a similar one, also with a narrow body, but with shorter back legs. Above these two animals is one with a strongly curved outline, long legs and long tail. Two ears are indicated on its head, and in front of those are four narrowly spaced vertical strokes, as if they were protruding from the muzzle. Two additional lins are added below the muzzle too. In front of its head is a larg sub-circular shape; the best way to interpret those seems to see them as horns, or as a huntin trap? The shorter plant stem starts just above the head of this animal. Hiher up is a fourth animal, with a long narrow body, small upturned tail, and ears. It is very similar to the second animal, althought the male sexual organ is indicated. Nearer to top is a strange-looking animal which may be a stylised hippopotamus, with a very prominent belly, and small discs on the head possibly indicating the ears and eyes. The mouth may be open, wth indication of the tusks? This animal is harpooned on the top of the back, near the tail; the harpoon extends into a large loop below the rim. Below the figurative scene is a large continuous crosshatched area; from roughly the maximum diameter and the base, the surface is coated white, as well as the base itself. Inside lip, closely spaced vertical strokes on slipped and polished band

Dimensions (cm)
Dbase: 6.0
Additional information
Vi 32
Oi 93
Chiefs, bound captives, and harpooned hippopotamuses: an exceptional unpublished C-ware vessel in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto (inv. 900.2.13). Archéo-Nil 31
, 51–3, table 3, no. 10.2019
Le taureau à l’époque prédynastique et son importance pour le développement de l’iconographie royale – avec un excursus sur l’origine du sceptre héqa, in: Aufrère, Sydney (ed.), Les taureaux de l’Égypte ancienne. Publication éditée à l’occasion de la 14e Rencontre d’égyptologie de Nîmes. Égyptonimes 2
, 39, n. 24, n. 30.