C-Ware – elliptical bowl C-0428
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown
London, Petrie Museum, UC 15328.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Fragmentary
Decoration preservation : Mostly faded
Preservation information :
Repaired from several fragments; sherd missing at rim; chips at rim.
A large crocodile, seen in top view, occupies the bottom of the vessel. Its body is exaggeratedly large and its head small in comparison. Its tail is decorated with a series of dots representing the scales of the hide. Its four flexed legs end with three- and four-toed claws. The crocodile is trapped in a large net of irregular cross-hatched lines that occupies one side of the bowl. Nearer the tail of the crocodile, the net ends with a rope and a loop, by which two human figures stand. It is not clear what the opposite side of the net was like, as a large sherd is missing there. On the other side of the bowl, three hippopotamuses following each other face left. The incisors are almost the only detail that allows an identification of the animals, as the massive and rectangular bodies are very schematic. One has a short tail. A lot of small wavy elements surround the hippopotamuses.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 316
Oi 100
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