C-Ware – beaker C-0391
Archaeological site unknown
Collection unknownMaterial : Nile silt (Painted)
A series of nine cross-hatched downturned triangles is depicted below a line running under the rim of the vessel. Two parallel concentric lines separate these triangles from the scene below, where one scene is repeated twice. In each case, a dog chases a horned animal with long straight horns pointing upwards, tentatively identified as Oryx. The four animals face right, and have their body filled in with chevrons.

Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 144
Le taureau à l’époque prédynastique et son importance pour le développement de l’iconographie royale – avec un excursus sur l’origine du sceptre héqa, in: Aufrère, Sydney (ed.), Les taureaux de l’Égypte ancienne. Publication éditée à l’occasion de la 14e Rencontre d’égyptologie de Nîmes. Égyptonimes 2
, 39, n.24.