C-Ware elliptical bowl C-0348

C-Ware – elliptical bowl C-0348

By Droux, Xavier

Naqada (?)

, Archaeological context unknown. 1897 : Gift Ludwig Borchardt.

Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, ÄM 13831.

Date : Naqada IA–IIB

General range of C-ware production

Material : Nile silt (Painted)

Preservation : Complete

Decoration preservation : Unknown


Half of the rim is decorated with downward triangles and filled with chevrons, the other half with a crossed-hatched area representing a net. A crocodile is depicted at the bottom. The shape of its body is approximate and unusual. According to the position of the flexed legs, which end with three- and four-toed claws, the head should be to the right, although it is not clearly indicated. It is possible that a triangle filled with chevrons may be an attempt at showing the animal’s neck. The tail is short, large, and filled with chevrons. The rest of the body is mostly cross-hatched. A cross-hatched area painted on one side of the crocodile is likely representing a net. A series of nine downturned triangles filled with chevrons decorate the rest of the rim. An additional triangle with chevrons is placed between the crocodile’s head and the net. A zigzag by the tail and a chevron design by the neck complete the decoration

Scharff 1931: pl. 11, no. 255
Scharff 1931: 116, fig. 34.

Dimensions (cm)

Height :


Maximum diameter :


Small diameter :


Rim diameter :


Additional information

Form :


Vessel index :

Vi 490

Opening index :

Oi 100

Decoration location :


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Droux, X. 2024. C-0348, Predynastic Online Database, www.ponda.org/object/C-0348. retrieved 14 March 2025.