C-Ware – deep bowl C-0196
By Droux, Xavier
, Tomb 1805.
1928–1929 : British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt excavation.Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52835.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Intact
Decoration preservation : Good
The rim of the vessel is decorated with groups of parallel, oblique lines that have alternating direction. Below, the decorative space is divided in two halves by the same plant motif repeated twice. It is possibly the common reed, shown as long, vertical stems that start at the bottom of the vessel and run toward the rim in opposite direction. They each have large leaves represented in groups, with gaps inbetween. The scenes painted on either side of these dividing plants mirror one another. Two hippopotamuses face one another. Their ears are represented by small protuberances at the top of the heads, which are heavily stylised and squared. They have short tails and their bodies are filled with a large, downturned triangle filled with chevrons on the belly, and other lines (possibly downturned chevrons) on the muzzle. Both animals are harpooned, one in the head, the other in the behind. The weapons consist of long lines intersected by and ending with loops.
Near each hippopotamus is a second type of plant that consists of a series of parallel, horizontal undulating lines joined vertically through their centre. Several small circular designs with protruding lines, perhaps representing floral motifs, are painted inbetween the animals and the plants.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 221
Oi 100
flat base
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