C-Ware – elliptical bowl C-0171
By Droux, Xavier
, Nag el-Alawna, Tomb L209.
1900–1901 : Egyptian Research Account excavation.Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, AN 1896-1908 E.2785.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Complete, repaired
Decoration preservation : Good
Two hippopotamuses face each other. Their bodies are filled with small curved lines, and their muzzles with parallel straight lines. The incisors of one of the hippopotamuses are protruding from its mouth. This animal is also harpooned in the backside. A man wearing a penis sheath (?) holds the rope of the harpoon. Two other humans with raised arms, likely men, are represented on the opposite side of the vessel. Two turtles are located in the centre. Two stems of common reed are painted above the hippopotami.
Between the man holding the harpoon and one of the men with raised arms is a group of eight "M-shaped" wavy lines. On the other side of the men with raised arms is a complex motif consisting of a downturned triangle filled with chevrons above a group of seven wavy lines. It is possible that together they represent another plant motif.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 174
on four feet
In Lankester (2016), the illustration does not correspond to the text description.
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