C-Ware – sherd of bowl, rim C-0114
By Droux, Xavier
, Settlement, north spur, area A1, at 3'6'', find no. 12.
1924 : Excavation of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt – Egyptian Research Account.London, Petrie Museum, UC 10086.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Sherd
Decoration preservation : Good
Remains of two pairs of oblique lines that converge toward each other at the bottom; between them, area filled with polka dots.
Additional information
Form :
Shape of base:
not preserved
Decoration location :
Brunton, G. ; Caton-Thompson, G.
The Badarian civilisation and predynastic remains near Badari. British School of Archaeology in Egypt & Egyptian Research Account 46, 30th year, 1924. London
, 95, pl. LXXIII, 145.