C-Ware bottle C-0093

C-Ware – bottle C-0093

By Droux, Xavier

Gebel el-Tarif

, Archaeological context unknown. 1896 : Jacques de Morgan excavation (?).

Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31474 (CG 11535).

Date : Naqada IA–IIB

General range of C-ware production

Material : Nile silt (Painted)

Preservation : Almost complete

Decoration preservation : Unknown

Preservation information :

According to Quibell (1905), the vessel was broken and mended, with two sherds missing.


The designs are all vertical and occupy the whole height of the vessel. These designs are as follows. Group of three plant stems with short leaves on either sides. To the right, two connected panels filled with parallel oblique lines; the orientation of the oblique lines are different in each panel, so that they give the impression of downturned chevrons with a line running throught their centre; however, from the published drawing, it seems that not all the oblique lines are connected at their extremity to another one in the adjacent panel, so that they were not drawn as chevrons. To the right, series of crosshatched rectangles connected to a vertical line on their right side. To the right is a plant design similar to the three described above and two connected panels with oblique lines alos similar to those described above. Finally, series of triangles pointing alternatingly to left and right, with those to the right being larger; all these triangles are filled with a hatching consisting of parallel vertical lines.

From the published drawing, it is possible that the inside of the mouth of the bottle is decorated with parallel vertical lines, but these are not mentioned in the description written by Quibell (1905).

Quibell 1905: pl. 21, no. 11535 (left).
Quibell 1905: pl. 21, no. 11535 (right).

Dimensions (cm)

Height :


Additional information

Form :


Shape of base:

concave base

Decoration location :



The vessel is listed by Quibell (1905) as coming from Gebel el-Tarif. Since that volume was written in 1899, it is possible that the vessel was found during excavations carried on the order of Jacques de Morgan at Gebel el-Tarif in April-May 1896 (see de Morgan 1896). It is not entirely clear if he directed and/or supervised the work on the ground.

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Droux, X. 2022. C-0093, Predynastic Online Database, www.ponda.org/object/C-0093. retrieved 14 March 2025.