C-Ware bottle with broad neck C-0092

C-Ware – bottle with broad neck C-0092

By Droux, Xavier

Gebel el-Tarif

, Archaeological context unknown. 1896 : Jacques de Morgan excavation (?).

Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31474 (CG 11534).

Date : Naqada IA–IIB

General range of C-ware production

Material : Nile silt (Painted)

Preservation : Intact

Decoration preservation : Partially faded


On the outside, below the rim and on the neck are three concentric series of upturned crosshatched triangles, each with a horizontal line added below. The triangles of the third series are of larger dimensions. Below that third series are two concentric series of dots, below wich is a large, crosshatched zigzag that runs aournd the vessel but is not continuous. Two concentric lines, with a series of dots above and below, are placed between the zigzag and a fourth concentric series of large, crosshatched triangles.

On the inside, groups of two and three parallel oblique lines, as well as a single oblique line, are painted at the rim.

Quibell 1905: pl. 20, no. 11534.
© Xavier Droux.

Dimensions (cm)

Height :


Additional information

Form :


Shape of base:

convexe base

Decoration location :

Inside and outside


The vessel is listed by Quibell (1905) as coming from Gebel el-Tarif. Since that volume was written in 1899, it is possible that the vessel was found during excavations carried on the order of Jacques de Morgan at Gebel el-Tarif in April-May 1896 (see de Morgan 1896). It is not entirely clear if he directed and/or supervised the work on the ground.

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Droux, X. 2022. C-0092, Predynastic Online Database, www.ponda.org/object/C-0092. retrieved 14 March 2025.