
Ernest Seymour Thomas ( 1876 - 09.06.1935 )
Ernest Seymour Thomas was a British Egyptologist and ethnologist. From at least 1906 until 1922, he lived in Egypt where he worked for the British Embassy. He likely collected artefacts during his time there, and showed a keen interest in Egyptolgoy, publishing on various topics, including a guide for the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and a catalogue for the Ethnographic Museum of the Royal Geographical Society of Egypt.
Back in England, he worked at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, as assistant to curator Henry Balfour. He donated some objects to the museum, including a few pieces from the royal tombs at Abydos. Some artefacts seem to have remained in the possession of his family before being sold at Bonhams on 30.09–02.10.2014.