Tusk on hippopotamus back TUK-0004

Tusk – on hippopotamus back TUK-0004

By Kim, Hwidahm

Archaeological site unknown.

10.1937 : Bought by Curtis in Cairo Nahman gallery. 07.04.1938 : Donated to Musée du Louvre.

Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 22902 (Curtis n°403).

Date : Date provided by Droux 2015

Material : Ivory (undefined) (Carved)

Preservation : Almost complete

Preservation information :

The figurine was assembled from many fragmaents as the crack lines are visible. Some parts around the rim are missing along with the back side of the figurine. 


A hippopotamus figurine is on the bottom with ivory tusk protuding from its back. The depression on the top was created naturally by the pulp cavity of the tusk. There are seven perforations around the rim. The hippopotamus figurine is carved in detail; one can see the folded skin below the neck, small ears and eyes. The legs are short while the muzzle is as long as the legs. Traces of red paint is detacable

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Dimensions (cm)

Height :


Rim diameter :


Additional information


The ivory is probably hippopotamus ivory.

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Kim, H. 2024. TUK-0004, Predynastic Online Database, www.ponda.org/object/TUK-0004. retrieved 14 March 2025.