Stone vessel – zoomorphic, frog STO-0003
By Glenister, Jacob
, Foundation deposit in shrine in Western Kom.
2006 : Polish Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Delta.Egypt (OB211-5K).
Date : Naqada IID vessel in IIIB context
Found in deposit in structure dating to Naqada IIIB/IIIC1. This is the only vessel known from such a late context; all others of this type are IID in date, which is probably when the vessel was actually manufactured, but rather than being buried in a contemporary grave it remained in storage or use until it was buried as part of a foundation deposit
Material : Serpentine
Preservation : Fragment
Decoration preservation : Mostly lost
Preservation information :
Vessel badly broken. Top half of vessel missing. Face, lug handles (if ever present, as they likely were) and rim completely gone. Legs well-preserved.
Seated frog-shaped vessel made of a gray-brown stone. The vessel isvery badly broke; the top half has been lost, so no information on face or opening of vessel is available. Presumably, it had lug-handles, but these are also gone.
The vessel's front and back legs are both preserved in their lower portions (the upper portions are obliterated, along with the top of the vessel) but are substantially worn so detail is limited. Back legs are in a somewhat squat position and the front legs are folded orthogonally inwards towards the center of the vessel. The carving of the toes survives but is of somewhat poor quality. The vessel sits on its legs, but the legs are only a few millimeters lower than the body of the vessel.

Additional information
on four feet