
Palette – (rhomboid), fragment PAL-0570
By Droux, Xavier
, Cemetery HK6, Tomb 23 (square 9E (north-east), locus 11).
20.02.2005 : Hierakonpolis Expedition excavation.Egypt (05-131).
Date : Naqada I–II (?)
General range of rhomboid palettes production.
Material : Greywacke
Preservation : Fragment
Thin sliver from the surface of a palette that preserves both edges that taper toward a pointed extremity. This suggests that it belongs to a rhomboid palette.

Dimensions (cm)
Fragment dimensions :
1.7 x 2.4 x 0.2
Additional information
We thank Dr Renée Friedman for facilitating the study of this artefact.
Not previously published.