Palette rhomboid, with horns emblem PAL-0557

Palette – rhomboid, with horns emblem PAL-0557

By Hendrickx, Stan

Archaeological site unknown.

1920 : Bought in Luxor from Muhammad Mohassib.

New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, 1920.26.6.

Date : Naqada I–II (?)

General range of rhomboid palettes production.

Material : Greywacke

Preservation : Almost complete

Preservation information :

Extremities of the possible horns emblem broken off.


Rhomboid palette with carved decoration on top of one of the extremities. The palette is rounded at the ends of the shorter axis and has a rounded extremity.


The decoration is more complex than usual; it was created by drilling three circular holes through the palettes and by removing the material betweeen these holes to the top edge, so creating four protuberances. The two in the centre are visually somewhat similar to turtle heads, and the two framing them on the sides may originally have been a horns emble, although the exact shape of these protuberances cannot be fully reconstructed.


Object use

The palette probably has slight hollowing in the central area but the available documentation is inconclusive. There is also a limited amount of picking.

Yale University Art Gallery (ed.) : Online catalogue.

Dimensions (cm)

Width :


Length :


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Additional information

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Hendrickx, S. 2023. PAL-0557, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.