Palette rhomboid PAL-0308

Palette – rhomboid PAL-0308

By Hendrickx, Stan

Naqada (?)

, Cemetery N, tomb 601 (?).

1894–1895 : William M.F. Petrie excavation, Egyptian Research Account distribution.

Philadelphia, UPenn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, E.1217.

Date : Naqada I–II (?)

General range of rhomboid palettes production.

Material : Greywacke

Preservation : Fragment

Preservation information :

Most of one side is lost; tip of opposite extremity broken off.


Large fragment of a rhomboid palettewith angular at the ends of the shorter axis. Both extremities are broken off.

Object use

The palette was heavily used, causing on both faces deep hollowing.

Upenn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (ed.) : Online catalogue.
Upenn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (ed.) : Online catalogue.

Dimensions (cm)

Width :


Length :


Thickness :


Additional information


The attribution to tomb N601 at Naqada is uncertain. A 'shapeless' palette at the Petrie Museum is likely the one indicated on the tomb top-plan (Petrie, excavation Notebook 72, p. 24). A palette was also found in tomb L601 at Ballas, but it may have been a rectangular palette (Quibell, Notebook 145, p. 53).


Not previously published.

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Hendrickx, S. 2023. PAL-0308, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.