Palette – zoomorphic, Barbary sheep PAL-0004
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown.
1974 : with Münzen und Medaillen, Switzerland.Collection unknown (ex A 2004-0024/dt).
Date : Naqada I–IIB
General date of type pal_bov_1a, see Droux (2019).
Material : Greywacke
Preservation : Almost complete
Preservation information :
The head is heavily damaged, with the ear, muzzle, and horns missing; the back leg has also partly broken off.
The palette is large and has a mostly ovoid shape with added stylised zoomorphic details. The animal is shown standing, with its head raised high above the level of the back. A small hole is drilled through the back, likely for attaching a string or thong.
Despite the missing parts, the animal depicted can be recognised as a Barbary sheep. The attachements of the now-missing horns show that they were strongly curved and had their bosses indicated by striations along the edge; they were separated from the back of the head by a large drilled hole. The eyes are indicated on each side by a small circular depression drilled on the surface, which did not pierce through the thickness of the object. The legs, heavily stylised, are represented by two small, non-naturalistic projections under the body.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Palettes of shape-type pal_bov_1 are all carved in the shape of the Barbary sheep; sub-type 1a pre-dates sub-type 1b; see Droux (2019). This palette was exhibited at the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, between 2004–2015 (inv. A 2004-0024/dt).
We thank Jean-Luc Chappaz for facilitating the study of this artefact.
Auktion 49: Werke Ägyptischer Kunst von der Frühzeit zur Spätantike, Sammlungen F.P. (2. Teil), E.H., K. L., und anderer Privatbesitz: Donnerstag, den 27. Juni 1974, 10 Uhr im Grossen Saal des Kaufmännischen Vereins, Aeschengraben 15, Basel
, 5, pl. 3, no. 3.2000
Animaux d'art et d'histoire, bestiaire des collections genevoises. Exposition, Genève, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, 30.03 - 24.09.2000. Geneva
, 197, no 54.2005
Enrichissements du Département d'archéologie en 2004; antiquités égyptiennes. Genava 53
, 365.